Tuesday, February 28, 2006


1. I Surrender All (Clay & Renee Cross) Excellent book on dealing with holy homes, and the destructive power of sexual sin. Clay and Renee are coming to our church this fall.

2. The Gospel in Leviticus (Seiss) Written decades ago, it unlocked the mysteries of Leviticus for me. I'm preaching through the Bible, and this book was tremendously helpful.

3. Ripe for Harvest (Lewis Drummond) Good book on revival.

4. Lighting Fires (Randy Clark) Helpful insights about "failure" in ministry as character development -- God uses the hard circumstances to prepare us for his greater work.

5. Man of Devotion: Francis Asbury (J. Smiley Collins) An inspiring biography of the early Methodist circuit rider and bishop. Made me want to go buy a horse!

6. God's Law in the Modern World (Kenneth Gentry Jr.) Interesting viewpoint from a postmillenialist. I picked up a couple of good insights on the Mosaic Law, but I don't buy everything he says.

7. Prince Caspian (C. S. Lewis) I've been reading the Chronicles of Narnia aloud to the kids -- and we all are hooked!